NEW Homepage  --  New Design

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Please read these Faq's before you send e-mail to us.

I have a question ...
We get over 50 e-mail a day asking questions. Please look through our website as your answer should be found there. We will try to answer your e-mails if we have time but please look for an answer first.

How do I get to Pattaya ?
Every day we get asked this question. We have a "Local Tranportation" page at Local Transportation.

How do I send money or gifts to my Pattaya friends ?
We are no longer doing this. Sorry.

Which hotels are family friendly ?
We don't know as there are just too many hotels. I would recommend hotels on "The Hill" or Jomtien Beach as they are away from Pattaya's nightlife.

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NEW Homepage  --  New Design

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