We are located right on Soi 8 where you will find the best nightlife entertainment in Pattaya. We are directly opposite the Eastiny Inn Hotel near the entrance of the Prince Hotel. We serve a variety of drinks and cocktails ranging from our famous special Mai Thai made from Captain Morgan, Barcardi, Vodka, Cointreau & Mekhong mixed with the juices of orange, lemon & pineapple with a little Grenadine syrup to drinks such as our Kamikaze made from Vodka, Cointreau, lemon & syrup. Also cold beer, spirits and soft drinks all at reasonable prices. All are welcome to enjoy our 24 hour a day fiesta. All this a few steps away from 6 hotels right on Soi 8. We speak Dutch, French, German & English. Stop in anytime or write to ftheunissen@hotmail.com |